Monument of Prime Minister Borisov Appeared on Garibaldi Square

On April 1, Fool's Day, on "Garibaldi" square in the capital was celebrated with a two-meter monument of Prime Minister Boyko Borisov. When approaching the figure, its eyes start to glow in red, and it speaks with Borisov's voice.

The monument to the Prime Minister is placed next to the fountain of the renovated "Garibaldi" Square, which Sofia residents likened to a tombstone and whose removal is forthcoming.

The monument is made of fiberglass and has a built-in speaker, which plays popular phrases by the Prime Minister. In one hand, Borisov holds the scissors, and in the other three books, one of which is written by the BSP, and the other is Winnetou. Around the monument sounds the popular hit from the early 1990s, "Battalion is aligning".

"This monument cites the popular phrases of our current prime minister and his eyes glow, and this is decided with an elementary technology that is a wink to our time, as many simple and elementary things present us as innovative, which can be related to many of the things that are being created in our time, not only in Bulgaria, "said the author Andrey Vrabchev to Darik. He collected the Prime Minister's audio recordings on the Internet.

The monument has already been moved from Garibaldi Square by its author, and will soon become part of this year's edition of the Biennial for the Humor and Satire in Arts in Gabrovo.

Prime Minister Borisov shared the news about the monument of his facebook profile and commented: "Happy first April ;)"

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