Greek life and work go online

An increasing number of Greeks are resorting to social networking, entertainment and communication apps to get an idea of what's going on in the outside world now that most of us have to stay at home. According to statistics that US technology analytics firm Sensor Tower shared with Kathimerini, the period that started with the closure of schools on March 10 has changed the habits and priorities of Greeks, as reflected in smartphone apps.

So which are the top 10 general-interest apps Greeks have chosen based on iPhone and Android downloads from March 10 to 25, according to Sensor Tower's analysis? Top spot belongs to TikTok with 108,000 downloads. This is a particularly popular app for creating and sharing videos lasting up to one minute. It was also on top a month earlier (February 10-25), when it chalked up 90,000 downloads.

Behind TikTok in the March 10-25 period...

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