424 new cases in Serbia, a total of 4.054 people tested positive

In the last 24 hours, 2.646 people were tested, while a total of 20.958 people were tested.
2.890 have been hospitalized, while 138 patients are on the respirator, provincial secretary of health prof. Zoran Gojkovic said.
Five more died, three men two women, average age 76 years. A total of 85 people died, with a mortality rate of 2.1 percent.
There are currently 387 patients at the Belgrade Fair.

The situation in nursing homes is getting complicated, director replaced in Nis Foto: Printscreen/TV B92

Gojkovic especially criticized the Gerontology Center in Nis, in which 140 people and four employees were infected, and noted that there were indications that the symptoms were hidden in the early stages.
"First of all, visits to residents were allowed, residents were allowed to leave the home, which was strictly prohibited from the outset of the epidemic. Unfortunately, we have indications that the symptoms of the disease were hidden at the beginning of the infection," Gojkovic said.
He confirmed that the director of the Gerontology Center had been arrested and he could be sentenced to 12 years imprisonment.
"The message to all of us after this may be that the state is doing its job. That all those who do not respect the measures of the Government of Serbia will be severely sanctioned and punished", Gojkovic said.
The three most important factors in the "Serbian scenario" are the measures that were put in place and they came into force on time, Gojkovic said.
"The second link is the protective equipment that all our employees in direct contact with the sick are provided with, and the third most important link is our health care workers, doctors, nurses, all who fight for the lives of our citizens in our...

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