Turkey calls on US to end support for YPG

Turkey's presidential spokesman urged the U.S. on Feb. 11 to end its support for the PYD/YPG terrorist group. 

"The US should end its support to the PYD/YPG. It should say 'stop' to FETÖ's activities there," said İbrahim Kalın during an interview with TRT Haber, Turkey's state-run news channel.

Noting that the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden came with many new promises and made statements that they would take new steps after the Donald Trump era, Kalin recalled a phone call with U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan last week as the first contact with the new administration.

"We actually handled all the issues in detail there. So it was a phone call that lasted about one hour," Kalın said.

"We discussed in detail both the controversial issues and the issues with which we can act together."

Kalın said there were three main controversial issues in Turkish-U.S. relations.

"The S-400 issue and the implementation of CAATSA sanctions in connection with it and removing Turkey from the F-35 program. Secondly, the support the U.S. has given to the PYD/YPG since the [former President Barack] Obama era. Third, the FETÖ structure still continues its activities against Turkey freely in the U.S."

According to Kalın, these are the three fundamental issues with U.S. administrations that have strained relations.

"It started under Obama's term and continued substantially under Trump."

Kalın also said that besides the issues that need to be worked on with the U.S., there were also areas where the two countries can act together.

"We cannot agree on the PYD in Syria, but let me say that we have many common grounds regarding the future of the [Bashar al-] Assad regime," he said.

Kalın noted...

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