Erdoğan accuses opposition of seeking approval from West

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Feb. 3 accused the opposition parties of seeking the approval of the Western countries while framing their policies.

"It's more difficult if you're doing all the work in spite of the mob who never miss an opportunity to prevent or even reverse what we're doing. Those who winked at terrorist organizations from tutelage to coups in order to maintain their own ramshackle schemes joined arm in arm again against us," Erdoğan said, speaking at the opening ceremony of Aydos Castle and Sultan Grove.

"What would the West say? Shame on you. They need Europe to say well done… They do not look back to this nation," he added.

The president said, however, his government only seeks the approval of the Turkish nation.

"We, on the other hand, need my nation to say well done... As in every aspect of our lives, we only rely on Allah today and expect support from our nation," Erdoğan stated.

"No stopping until May 14, keep going," Erdoğan stated, referring to the next elections. He urged the party grassroots to seek the support of every citizen. "We will go door to door. We will continue to make investments that will enable us to move forward in all areas of life," he said.

The president also slammed the Nation Alliance of the opposition parties for their pledge to reverse some works of the current government.

"You talk about justice on the other side, you say that we will not take any penny of the nation. How will you destroy it?" he asked.

The country doesn't need a "demolition team that will destroy what has been done, but needs the AK Party, the People's Alliance, which will build greater works and bring services," he emphasized.

"Our struggle is the struggle for the future,...

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