Vucevic: EU incomplete without Western Balkans

TRIESTE - Serbian PM Milos Vucevic said on Friday in Trieste Serbia's objective was to become a full member of the EU and noted that it was impossible to complete the European story without EU accession for the Western Balkans.

In a keynote speech at an Italy-Serbia business forum on green transition, also addressed by Italian FM Antonio Tajani, Vucevic said Europe itself would be incomplete without EU membership for the region.

He said Serbia would safeguard peace and stability in the Western Balkans - not because someone else expected it to, but because it was its own interest.

"We have not fallen for provocations by those who are acting less responsibly because we are preserving our economy by preserving peace. We want people to be satisfied with life in Serbia and we want to open factories and protect the environment," he said.

Vucevic said that, as...

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