World must treat Palestine as a full state, says Fidan

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan has stated that the international community's support for the Palestinian cause is growing and that more countries should recognize Palestine as a free state and act accordingly.

"The most important thing is to give Palestine not only support but also freedom and a state with sovereignty," Fidan said in Brussels, where he and the Gaza contact group visited to hold talks with the European Union on the Palestinian issue, underscoring the importance of its freedom.

According to Fidan, Türkiye's main message was that when Palestine takes control of its own state and initiative, it will undoubtedly boost its own economy. However, leaving the state as a mere administration, depriving it of sovereignty and economic initiative, and making it a political entity that solely relies on aid does not benefit the Palestinian people or the region.

Fidan said that postponing the recognition of Palestine does not solve the problem but rather gives Israel more time.

According to diplomatic sources, he delivered the message at the International Partners Meeting and a meeting on the implementation of the two-state solution.

"Right now, the world knows the problem in Gaza and the problem in Ramallah," Fidan said, and asked the question, "After accepting the two-state solution, how do we move on from there?"

"We sought the answer to this question during discussions with the participating countries in the meetings," he said.

"The fact that Spain, Norway, Ireland, and Slovenia have recognized Palestine as a state, thus bringing the number of states recognizing Palestine to 150, is a very important point," he stated.

He acknowledged all efforts made for Palestine since the Oslo Accords, but emphasized that...

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