All News on Social Issues in Greece

Nearly 21,000 migrants arrived in Greece last week: UN

Nearly 21,000 refugees and migrants arrived in crisis-hit Greece last week -- nearly half the total number in all of 2014 -- the United Nations said on August 18. 

Refugee crisis in Greece reaches explosive proportions says UN

The magnitude of the refugee crisis in Greece was outlined a UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) report, according to which the number of refugees that landed on the Greek islands in one week (August 8-15) was half the total in all of 2014!

"83,000 refugees registered, 500 asked for asylum"

Serbia has so far registered 83,000 migrants and 500 of them applied for asylum in the country, UNHCR representative in Serbia Hans Schodder said on Tuesday.

5 Syrian migrants trying to reach Greece drown off Turkish coast

Five Syrians have drowned while another 24 were rescued off the Turkish coast as they tried to reach Greek islands, underscoring the deadly risks of making even short crossings to Europe in overcrowded plastic dinghies, Anadolu Agency reported.

Turkish Authorities Detain 293 Illegal Immigrants at Border with Bulgaria

The Turkish gendarmerie in the border town of Kirklareli detained 293 illegal immigrants in the past five days.

The refugees were uncovered near the Bulgarian-Turkish border in the forest next to the town of Demirkoy from where they intended to cross into Bulgaria and other European countries.

Latest fracas between migrants erupts on Lesvos (Watch vid)

Yet another mini riot was reported amongst a group of irregular migrants at the port of Mytilene, on the eastern Aegean island of Lesvos (Lesbos), as authorities struggle to process the thousands of third country nationals being smuggled onto Greece’s isles from neighboring Turkey.

Riots between immigrants and Spanish police break out (vid)

The immigration crisis in Greece has been the focus of global media attention since July, when swelling numbers of refugees from war-torn Syria and illegal immigrants from the wider Middle East region landed on Greek islands. However, other European countries in the Western Mediterranean are also coming under pressure.

250 immigrants moved to Elaionas facility (exclusive pics)

The relocation of 200 hundred immigrants and refugees (a drop in the ocean compared to the large flows coming into Greece) from Pedio tou Areos to the newly set up lodgings at the Elaionas facility, situated western of Attica was completed Sunday. According to sources nearly 250 illegal immigrants ‘fled’ just before the transport operation to Votanikos started.

UN blasts Austria over immigrant reception centers

With scenes of thousands of illegal immigrants and refugees flooding the Greek islands of Kos, Lesbos and Leros making the news headlines all around the globe, it is interesting to see what the conditions are for refugees in other EU countries.

Aegean city cleared of thousands of Syrian refugees

Fewer and fewer migrants are being seen on the streets and in the parks of the Aegean province of ?zmir as Syrian refugees preparing to sail for Greece have been gathered and sent to tent camps, after being initially brought to a nearby stadium, CNNTürk has reported.

Numerous incidents involving irregular migrants in Aegean

At least 582 undocumented migrants have been rescued or intercepted by Greek authorities over the last 24 hours in 21 separate incidents in various sea regions in the eastern Aegean, from Samothrace to Rhodes.
The third country nationals were attempting to sneak onto Greek territories from neighboring Turkey.

Hungary plans to extend anti-migrant campaign to Serbia

The Hungarian government has announced it will "extend its anti-migration campaign to countries like Greece, Macedonia and Serbia," AP has reported.

These are "transit points used by the more than 120,000 migrants who have entered Hungary this year," the government in Budapest said on Thursday.
