All News on Social Issues in Greece

Slovakia Refuses to Accept Muslim Migrants under EU's Relocation Plan

Slovakia has said that it will only accept Christian refugees once it starts taking in its quota of 200 migrants from the Middle East under a relocation programme recently adopted by the EU.

According to Slovakia's Interior Ministry spokesman Ivan Metik the government's approach wasn't down to discrimination, but rather practical concerns around integration, CNN reported.

Illegal prostitution ring busted on Rhodes

Police have arrested five people on charges of running an illegal prostitution ring on the island of Rhodes. The alleged ring was busted after a 22-year old Russian girl woman told police she kidnapped and sexually exploited since last month, and after first escaping from alleged ring members.

Slovakia plans to accept "only Christian" migrants

Slovakia has announced it will only accept Syrian refugees who are Christians, when a new EU migrant relocation scheme is implemented, BBC reported.

According to the British broadcaster, "the country is due to receive 200 people from camps in Turkey, Italy and Greece under the EU plan to resettle 40,000 new arrivals."

Reuters: Bulgaria Growing Anxious as Flow of Migrants Keeps Rising

More and more migrants keep arriving in Bulgaria despite a host of measures the country has taken to stem the influx, Reuters reported on Wednesday.

The agency cites official data according to which 25 000 people have applied for refugee status over the past two years, or as many as in the previous two decades combined.

Smugglers now using jet skis to ferry irregular migrants from Turkey to Greek isles!

With the UN calculating that 50,000 migrants — legitimate refugees and illegal immigrants — entering Greece in July 2015 alone, compared with 47,000 in all of 2014, smugglers are finding new and lucrative ways of trafficking people into the crisis-plagued country — presumably a first stop until more affluent “pastures” of northern Europe are reached.

Greek government stops gold mine operations temporarily

Following the quandary of the privatization of the 14 regional airports, the Greek government announced the temporary stoppage of ongoing works in the Skouries Gold mine, in Chalkidiki, Northern Greece.

Syrians use Facebook to plan, document journey to Europe

When Wael and his relatives from Syria climbed into an inflatable boat in the dead of night to cross the sea from Turkey to Greece, they abandoned all their belongings -- except their smartphones.

New figures show scale of EU's migrant crisis

A record 107,500 migrants crossed the European Union's borders last month, according to new figures Aug. 18, showing they are arriving in dramatically increasing numbers and creating a humanitarian crisis for the 28-nation bloc.

The routes immigrants and refugees use to enter Europe (Proto Thema English Infographic)

According to a recent op ed in the New York Times the immigration crisis in Greece is becoming a ‘full scale disaster’. Thousands of third world national are flooding a country trying to recover from a 6-year recession and in constant fear and uncertainty of a default. A country in such a dire economic state that it can barely provide for its own citizens.

Migrants at EU's Borders Top 100,000/Month for the First Time

The number of migrants detected at EU's borders more than tripled to 107,500 last month compared to July 2014, surpassing the 100,000 mark in a single month for the first time since Frontex began keeping records in 2008.

Govt kudos to Tasia amid ‘tsunami’ of migrants overwhelming Greek isles

The radical leftist SYRIZA government went out of its way on Tuesday to offer political protection to its controversial alternate migration minister on Tuesday, amid a continuing “tsunami” of undocumented migrants landing on various Greek isles from practically “all points east”.
