Latest News from Greece

Russian wanted in US caught in Greece for money laundering

Greek authorities say they have arrested a Russian man wanted in the United States on suspicion of masterminding a money laundering operation involving at least $4 billion through bitcoin transactions.

Macedonia will be next to join NATO, says former commander

Former NATO commander, General James Stavridis, says he thinks Macedonia will the next country to join the western military alliance.

"I hope Greece will be able to resolve the name dispute with Macedonia, which will open the door for Macedonia to become a part of NATO. I think Macedonia will join the alliance," Stavridis told Voice of America.

The center-left void

Greece is in urgent need of a strong center-left political force. It's time for egos to be pushed aside and for the prima donnas and wannabe feudal lords to step down from their high horses and unite under one umbrella. Never-ending group therapy doesn't lead anywhere.

7km Queue of Trucks at Dunav Most-Ruse

On the Bulgarian-Romanian border, there is a 7km queue of cargo vehicles waiting to leave the country at Dunav Most-Ruse checkpoint, according to data of Chief Directorate Border Police by 06:00, quoted by Focus News Agency.

The queue at Dunav Most-Vidin is 2km long.

Coroner service in woeful state across Greece

Only 21 of Greece's 51 regions have a coroner service and just two full-time and 11 fixed-contract medical examiners serve the public health system (ESY), Greek Coroners' Association chief Grigoris Leon warned on Tuesday.

Reforms are still required

Greece's return to the markets is a positive development. However, we mustn't presume that this means the markets have suddenly decided to put their trust in Greece again.

Bill paves the way for Parliament staff jobs

A government bill pushed through Parliament on Tuesday secures the appointment of civil servants who failed a recent evaluation mandated by Greece's creditors, Kathimerini understands.

Specifically the legislation foresees the appointment of employees in management positions as "special advisers" to Parliament's scientific council.

Turkish Deputy PM Bahceli threatens Greece

The Leader of the ultra nationalist party movement (MHP) in Turkey and deputy Turkish PM, Devlet Bahceli direct;y threatened Greece in an interview claiming that Turkey was running out of patience.

Greeks' consumer conscience largely inactive

Greek consumers rank bottom among European Union citizens in terms of knowing their rights, according to the 2017 Consumer Conditions Scoreboard that the European Commission published on Tuesday. This poor knowledge of their rights is to a great extent the reason behind their comparative lack of consumer awareness and their failure to claim what they are entitled to.

ENFIA notices to come by end-August

No change is expected to the heavy bill of the Single Property Tax (ENFIA) which Greece's leftist-led government is imposing for a third consecutive year despite pre-election promises to abolish it.

After the submission and processing of 6.1 million income tax declarations, the Independent Authority for Public Revenue has started uploading the ENFIA notices for 2017 on its website.
