Latest News from Greece

Serbia water polo team beats Greece, qualifies for quarters

BUDAPEST - The Serbia men's national water polo team has secured a direct quarter-final berth at the World Championships in Budapest by beating Greece 11-6 (2-1, 3-3, 3-0, 3-2) in a Group C, Round 3 match on Friday to claim the group table top spot.

More than 140 Migrants Reach Cyprus by Boat

Cypriot authorities said a boat carrying over 140 migrants believed to be Syrians, more than half of them women and children, was escorted to shore by the coast guard Monday near the resort of Paphos, according to the Business Standard.

Greece returns to bond markets (Upd)

Greece will return to bond markets, according to reports on Monday. The offers book is open for investors Monday and will remain so for 24 hours. The country invited holders of outstanding 4.75% 2019 bonds to tender them for cash in a switch offer. The government aims to draw €4.03bn at a rate below the 4.95% the previous government had borrowed at in 2014.

ND leader Mitsotakis accuses Greek government of manipulating Justice (video)

Leader of Greece’s main opposition party New Democracy (ND), Kyriakos Mitsotakis accused the Greek government of directly circumventing the power of the Judicial system. In a statement on occasion of the 43rd anniversary of the restoration of the Republic, Mr.

Head of top court wades into dispute between gov't, judiciary

The president of the country's highest administrative court, the Council of State, on Monday waded into an escalating war of words between the government and the judiciary, calling on both sides to back down. 

In a statement, Nikos Sakellariou, who heads the Council of State, spoke of a systematic attempt to "shake citizens' trust in the justice system and its functionaries."

Head of Greek Supreme Court: Justice does not accept orders from government

Nikolaos Sakellariou, the President of the Council of State (CoS), Greece’s Supreme Administrative Court, said judges would reject directions from the other two powers. Speaking on occasion of the 43rd anniversary since the restoration of democracy in Greece after the fall of the military junta in 1974, Mr.

4km Queue Of Carco Vehicles at Kapitan Andreevo Border Checkpoint

On the Bulgarian-Turkish border, there is a 4km queue of cargo vehicles at Kapitan Andreevo checkpoint and a 2.5km queue at Lesovo, Chief Directorate Border Police said, citing data by 06:00.

At Dunav Most-Ruse and Dunav Most-Vidin, 1.5km queues of cargo vehicles are waiting to leave the country.

Pierre Moscovici: A light at the end of tunnel for Greece

European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs Pierre Moscovici estimated Greece was finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel after many years of economic hardship. “Conditions of trust had to be created, something that was achieved. Was it really tough? Undoubtedly. Was it necessary? Yes”, he underlined.

Greece extends deadline for expressions of interest in gas grid

Greece's privatisation agency TAIPED said on Monday it had extended the deadline for submission of expressions of interest in natural gas grid operator DESFA to August 7.

Greece is seeking a buyer for a 66 percent stake in the grid under a privatisation scheme it has agreed with international lenders.

Monday had been the deadline.

Tsipras admits to 'big mistakes' in interview with Guardian

In an interview with The Guardian, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras admitted to making "mistakes… big mistakes," noting that his biggest error may have been "the choice of people in key posts," an apparent reference to former finance minister and maverick economist Yanis Varoufakis.

Tsipras to Guardian: I made mistakes

Alexis Tsipras, the Greek prime minister, has promised to defy his critics by taking the country out of its longest-running crisis in modern times. “The worst is clearly behind us,” he told the Guardian in an exclusive interview.

Earthquake Diplomacy: Another casualty last week?

It was in the middle of a summer night too, it caught people in bed. The date was August 17 and the time was 3:02 a.m. A massive earthquake that registered 7.6 struck the Marmara Sea centered in the city of Izmit causing thousands of deaths and huge damage to all the densely populated coastal areas, including Istanbul. The year was 1999.

Greece crowned U20 European Basketball Champions

The Greek under 20 men’s national basketball team are the European champions after defeating Israel in the final in Greece. (65-56). The quarters were: Q1: 9-16, Q2: 17-7, Q3: 22-18, Q4: 17-15

