Latest News from Greece

Foreign Ministry suggests Eide favored Turkey in failed Cyprus peace talks

Greece's Foreign Ministry hit out Monday at the United Nations special envoy for the Cyprus issue, Espen Barth Eide, after taking umbrage at comments by the Norwegian which suggested that Nicosia and Athens had not accepted a proposal by Turkey that would have led to the gradual withdrawal of troops from the island.

D-day for Greece's bond market return

Tuesday marks Greece's first attempt since 2014 to tap international markets with the issue of a five-year bond. The announcement of the book opening was made on Monday in a statement via the Athens stock market.

On anniversary of democracy, president stresses separation of powers

President Prokopis Pavlopoulos on Monday visited the site of the former military police (EAT-ESA) headquarters at Eleftherias Park in Athens, where hundreds of people were tortured during the seven-year dictatorship, to mark the 43rd anniversary of the junta's fall and the restoration of democracy in Greece.

Top judge calls for end to attacks on judiciary

The clash between the government and the judiciary took another twist on Monday as the head of the Council of State, Nikos Sakellariou, called for verbal attacks on judicial officials to stop immediately.

Crackdown on moonshine rackets leads to multiple arrests

Economic crimes officers have arrested 22 people and seized 12 tons of ethanol in a crackdown on two gangs that supplied dozens of Greek bars with counterfeit spirits, the Greek Police announced on Monday.

U.S. Legislators demand Erdogan apologize & extradite perpetrators of Turkish Embassy attack

Senior members of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and Ted Poe (R-TX), Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Co-Chairman Jim McGovern (D-MA), and Representatives Jim Costa (D-CA) and John Sarbanes (D-MD) condemned Turkish President Erdogan’s violent crackdown – both in Turkey and the U.S.

Theodore | Tinos | July 25

Composer and multi-instrumentalist Theodore, whose work is mainly characterized by the balancing of stark contrasts between classic and electronic sounds, is performing at the Koumaros Theater on the island of Tinos on Tuesday, July 25, as part of his summer tour of Greece. The show starts at 9.30 p.m. and inaugurates the Animasyros International Animation Festival.

Erdoğan marks 94th anniversary of Lausanne Treaty

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan marked the 94th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne on July 24.
The treaty, signed by Turkey on one side and Britain, France, Italy, Greece and their allies on the other, recognized the modern Turkish state and replaced the 1920 Treaty of Sevres imposed on the Ottoman Empire after World War I.      

Don’t miss the springs of Kalithea while on Rhodes

Once you set foot on Rhodes it is easy to see that there is something magical at work here. Rhodes feels as if it was transplanted from another time. Each segment of its long history is keenly felt here, including during the Medieval time period of Europe since it was the headquarters of the Knights of Saint John. However, there is another side of the island that is equally is mesmerizing.

Greek bond yield falls as Athens prepares market return

The yield on a Greek government bond maturing in 2019 fell on Monday to its lowest level since it was issued three years ago, as Athens prepared to end a three-year exile from financial markets.

Greece seeing 'light at end of austerity': EU commissioner

Greece is seeing "the light at the end of austerity", the EU's economy commissioner Pierre Moscovici said on July 24, calling the reforms imposed on Athens by its creditors perhaps "too tough" but "necessary."

Greece announces new 5-year bond issue after 3-year exile

Greece on Monday invited holders of its 4.75 percent outstanding bonds maturing in 2019 to tender them for cash, along with a plan to offer new five-year paper, in its first bid to return to bond markets in three years.

No Serbians among injured in Greece-Turkey quake - MFA

BELGRADE - There are no Serbian nationals among those injured in the earthquake that hit Greece and Turkey early Friday, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed to Tanjug.

"We maintain permanent contact with the embassies in Greece and Turkey and, according to information available so far, there are no Serbian nationals among the injured," the ministry said.

Sofia Exarchou's Park takes Golden Tower Award at Palic

PALIC - Sofia Exarchou's film Park (Greece/Poland) has claimed the Golden Tower Best Film award at the 24th Palic European Film Festival, the jury announced on Friday.

The Palic Tower Best Director Award went to Germany's Helene Hegemann for Axolotl Overkill.
