Latest News from Greece

Markets ready to welcome Greece back

 International investors continue to underestimate political risk, but this has not diminished at all

By Dimitris Kontogiannis

Social security contribution rates among world’s highest

By Thanos Tsiros

Employers’ and employees’ social security contributions may be going down by 3.9 percentage points as of July 2014, but Greece remains among the countries with the highest rates, according to figures from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Tirana wants answers after Albanian inmate death

The Albanian Foreign Ministry expressed concern over the weekend at the death of a 42-year-old Albanian inmate of a prison in Nigrita, northern Greece, whose battered body was found in his cell just a few days after the convict stabbed a prison officer to death.

As vote on multi-bill looms, gov't looks to aid

The government is bracing for a crucial week, with eurozone finance ministers expected to discuss the release of further rescue loans to Greece at an informal summit in Athens starting on Tuesday.

France's Moscovici optimistic on Greece

By Alexia Kefala

There is speculation in Paris that Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici may abandon his post to become a “super commissioner” in Brussels. In an interview with Kathimerini, ahead of a visit to Greece, Moscovici says that, in any case, he is keeping a close eye on developments regarding the Greek economy.

Nigerian national caught with 1.1 kilos of heroin at Athens Airport

A 38-year-old Nigerian national was arrested by officers of the Attica narcotics squad at Athens International Airport on Saturday on charges of attempting to smuggle 1.1 kilos of heroin into Greece.

The suspect, who was traveling from Uganda via Istanbul, was found to be carrying 72 parcels of the drug in his stomach.

Inmate who murdered guard beaten before he died, says coroner

An investigation was launched on Friday into the circumstances surrounding the death of Ilie Kareli, the 42-year-old Albanian inmate who killed a prison guard on Tuesday, after he was found dead in a prison cell and a coroner’s report indicated that he had suffered serious injuries after being beaten with a blunt instrument.

Alpha sells bulk of new shares to US and UK buyers

US and British investors bought the bulk of Alpha Bank’s 1.2-billion-euro new share issue, it said on Friday, providing further evidence that foreign investors are warming to Greece.

IMF disburses loan tranche to Cyprus

The International Monetary Fund said on Friday it had reviewed Cyprus’s economy under a bailout program and approved a loan disbursement for about $115 million.

The international lender said the disbursement brings total lending to date under the IMF’s $1.4 billion program with Cyprus to about $459 million.

Greek coalition confident as reform multi-bill goes to Parliament

People line up outside a pharmacy in central Athens that was on duty on Friday. Pharmacists have been on strike for several days and have vowed to continue their action unless the government withdraws a provision for the deregulation of the over-the-counter drug market.

Unionist attacked in 2008 to run in European polls

Konstantina Kouneva, a former labor union activist from Bulgaria and the victim of a notorious 2008 acid attack, will run in the coming European Parliament elections on main leftist opposition SYRIZA’s ticket, it emerged Friday.

Mitrogoal back soon for Fulham, says Magath

Fulham could soon have Greece striker Costas Mitroglou back to assist in its Premier League relegation fight, manager Felix Magath said on Friday.

Mitroglou has featured just twice for the Londoners since joining from Olympiakos Piraeus for an undisclosed fee, which media reports put at 12 million pounds ($19.97 million), on transfer deadline day on January 31.

Greek president a ‘wise’ man, Pope Francis says

The legal status of religious communities, the role of religion in society, and ecumenical collaboration were at the focus of talks between Greek President Karolos Papoulias and Pope Francis at the Vatican on Friday.
