Latest News from Greece

Today marks 69 years since breakthrough of Syrmian Front

BELGRADE - Serbia marked on Saturday 69 years since the breakthrough of the Axis lines on the Syrmian Front after a 175-day campaign to liberate Yugoslavia from Nazi occupation in World War II.

The Syrmian Front campaign saw some of the most difficult and longest and most tragic WWII fighting. Over 250,000 soldiers fought in the trench battles from October 21, 1944 to April 12, 1945.

BoG chief calls for reforms, move to new growth model

Central Bank Governor Giorgos Provopoulos stressed that a string of reforms must be implemented while the country must move toward a new growth model. At the same time he underscored that it is becoming clear that Greece is emerging from the crisis.

OECD report points to heavy tax burden on Greek salary workers

By Costas Karkayiannis

Greece had one of the highest tax burdens on labor income last year, ranking 11th among the 34 member states of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, according to an OECD report published on Friday.

Construction was down again in January

Construction activity continued to fall in January, showing that the recovery recorded in October and November 2013 was temporary.

Bonds went to ‘real money investors’

 Breakdown of buyers shows nearly half of them are investment fund managers as interest proved diverse

By Sotiris Nikas

Greek bond yields rise as market comeback euphoria fades

By John Geddie & Marius Zaharia

Greek bond yields rose on Friday as investors booked profits on the rally that preceded Greece's return to debt markets, with even its sought-after new five-year bond succumbing to selling pressure.

On visit to Athens, Merkel pledges action on Greek debt sustainability

Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras (l) welcomes German Chancellor Angela Merkel (r) for a meeting at the Maximos Mansion in Athens, on Friday.

On her second visit to Athens in less than two years on Friday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged that the eurozone would discuss Greece’s debt sustainability later this year.

Deposition of seventh Nigrita Prison guard over inmate's death postponed

A magistrate in Serres, northern Greece, on Friday postponed the deposition of a prison guard from Nigrita Prison in connection with the death of Albanian inmate Ilie Kareli last month after the suspect claimed that he had left the facility before the victim’s arrival.

Greek schoolchildren make biggest paper dove on record

Some 45,000 students from elementary, middle and high schools all over Greece made a 3,000-square meter white dove on a blue background out of 280,000 paper boats at the Panathenaic Stadium, where the first Modern Olympic Games were held, in central Athens on Friday.

Greece has more opportunities than difficulties, Merkel says in Athens

Greece has more opportunities than difficulties said German Chancellor Angela Merkel in her opening remarks at a meeting of Greek start-up companies during a one-day visit to Athens on Friday.

Highlighting sectors such as agriculture, tourism and services, Merkel spoke of the challenge of attracting funding and taking advantage of new technologies.

Greek yields rise as market comeback euphoria fades

By John Geddie $ Marius Zaharia

Greek bond yields rose on Friday as investors booked profits on the rally that preceded Greece's return to debt markets, with even its sought-after new five-year bond succumbing to selling pressure.

Ikonomidis: Greece supports Serbia's EU pathway

BELGRADE - Greece, which currently holds the EU presidency, will do all in its might to help Serbia on its EU pathway, Greek Ambassador to Serbia Konstantinos Ikonomidis stated on Friday.

Ikonomidis said at a debate held at the Belgrade Youth Center that he is honored to serve in Belgrade at the time when Serbia has engaged in the official talks on the EU accession.

Bulgarian Exports Decreased in Beginning of 2014

Exports to the EU dwindled by 2.6% on a yearly basis in January and was estimated at BGN 2 B.

Statistics on trade with non-EU countries yield worse results, with a 14.2% decrease in exports for January and February, the website reports, citing official data.
