Ambassador: No Serbians among victims in Tunisia


Ambassador: No Serbians among victims in Tunisia

TUNISIA -- There are no Serbians among the tourists murdered and taken hostage in the Wednesday attack on the Bardo Museum in the capital of Tunisia.

This is what Serbian Ambassador in Tunisia Nikola Lukic told Tanjug.

"According to the data we obtained from the Interior Ministry, tourist agencies and one of the guides who was in the museum at the moment of the attack and managed to escape, there are no Serb tourists in the museum," Lukic said.

He noted that only two tourists from Serbia are currently staying in the southern part of Tunisia, near Sousse.

Islamic State (IS) terrorists claimed responsibility for the attack that resulted in the deaths of 19 tourists and the taking hostage of some 200 people.

The police killed two of the attackers, while the country's prime minister was quoted as saying that "two or three" more terrorists might still be at large.

BBC reported on Wednesday afternoon that the operation was complete, and that one policeman also lost his life.

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