CHP warns Turkish gov't of 'hidden interests' of third countries in Syria

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Republican People?s Party (CHP) head Kemal K?l?çdaro?lu has warned the government of ?hidden interests? of foreign countries in the Syrian crisis, slamming the Justice and Development Party?s (AKP) ?incorrect? policies in Syria.

?If the background targets of other countries prevail, a process of clashes may emerge that be undesirable and unexpected by the world,? K?l?çdaro?lu told reporters on Oct. 6. 

He criticized the AKP for ?its foreign policy that has led to problems with all Turkey?s neighboring countries,? saying it could lead to the brink of disaster for both the Middle East and the world.

The CHP head said ?the nation, not the politicians,? would pay for wrongdoings in foreign policy, stressing that 78 million Turkish people were paying for the AKP?s failures over Syria.  

Many countries and international powers have become embroiled in Syria, such as the EU, NATO, Iran and Turkey, all of which claim to be aiming to bring peace to the country, K?l?çdaro?lu stated, adding that the Middle East should not become a region for conflict of powers.

Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Deputy Chairman Oktay Öztürk also warned the government to carry out a ?wise? policy that would protect Turkey?s national interests and would take the necessary steps before it is too late.

Peoples? Democratic Party (HDP) Deputy Chairman ?dris Baluken similarly expressed concern on Turkey?s approach to Russia, claiming that Ankara was trying to turn Russia?s recent airspace violations into an international campaign. Baluken also suggested that Turkey was still aiming to ease the work of radical groups in Syria such as al-Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham.  

He said the Turkish government was trying to arouse nationalist reflexes through...

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