Meet the women behind Greek lawmakers: MPs secret weapons (pics)

Meet the mysterious women behind the top men on the Greek political scene.

When Central Macedonian Regional Governor Apostolos Tzitzikostas decided to run for the leadership of the conservative New Democracy party, Eleanna Vlahou was the first to know… She has style, grace and is definitely “first lady” material.

Peristera Baziana is known as the woman who radicalized Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) PM Alexis Tsipras. Does she ever give interviews? No!

Would Panos Kammenos be the man who supports family and tradition if he weren’t married to lawyer Eleni Tzouli? Together they have five kids and have been happily married for years.

Yiannis Michelakis is married to journalist Nicole Pofanti and together they have three daughters.

Conservative New Democracy leader Adonis Georgiadis is madly, crazily in love with classical composer, conductor and TV presenter Evgenia Manolidou. A trophy wife?

Former conservative PM Antonis Samaras  is known for rushing out of meetings just for a date with his wife  even after 24 years of marriage. For Antonis and Georgia it was love at first sight!


Anastasia (Natasa) Pazaiti, the wife of former conservative PM Kostas Karamanlis, was once described as the “Lady Di” of Greek politicians’ wives. Can you see the resemblance? The only difference is that Karamanlis is no Charles and the marriage is not doomed to failure!

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