Foreclosures: Primary homes valued more than 180,000 euros at risk

The government has yet to make announcements concerning the future of mortgage homeowners whose primary residence’s are in danger in negotiations between the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) and Greece’s creditors (European Commission, European Central Bank, European Stability Mechanism and the International Monetary Fund).

SYRIZA Vice President Giannis Dragasakis met with the Government Council of Economic Policy (KYSOIP) on Thursday and it is hoped that the government’s views and those of the Euro Working Group can be aligned during a tough negotiating battle on Saturday. A 2-bln-euro tranche for Greece will be released by Sunday provided that all goes well.

Some sources involved in the negotiations are concerned that there is still a huge divergence in views between Greece and creditors regarding non-performing loans as far as foreclosures are concerned. There is a huge battle to protect homes whose objective values are at 180,000 euros. The same sources state that the quartet of creditors may remain in Athens for a few more days in efforts to ensure that prior actions that the Greek government has pledged can be completed by the start of December at the latest, especially concerning Insurance with huge overhauls to income tax and real estate.

Other issues up in the air are the debt settlement in 100 installments with changes regarding the speed in which these will be offered. The issue of the 23% VAT hike for private schools appears to have been settled without special problems with equivalent funds to be yielded from lucky games and gambling.


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