Paris attacks suspect stayed in ?zmir: Report

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One suspect of the Paris attacks stayed in Basmane, a neighborhood in ?zmir once largely populated by Syrian migrants, according to several media reports, amid a fresh wave of police raids targeting Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants in the Aegean province.

Ahmad Al Mohammad, a Syrian man whose passport was found in the pocket of one of the perpetrators of the Paris attacks, reportedly blended in with migrants flocking to ?zmir in late September and checked in to a hotel in the Basmane neighborhood on Oct. 2.

Al Mohammad reportedly stayed at Hotel Sultan and checked out on Oct. 4, while intelligence sources said he was last recorded in the Greek island of Leros. ?zmir Gov. Mustafa Toprak, meanwhile, said the governor's office had no record Al Mohammad had ever stayed in Basmane. 

Intelligence sources added they spotted a person with the same alleged name as the offender, but they assumed they were not the same person according to existing records, local reports said.

After the claim went public through several media outlets, officers from the ?zmir Police Department Counterterrorism Unit conducted pre-dawn raids in Basmane, a transition point for foreign migrants seeking to cross into Greece and many other European countries by sea.

In police raids of 27 hotels in Basmane, 286 foreign nationals and 80 Turkish citizens were checked by the around 300 police officers involved in the operation. Two foreign nationals holding expired residency permits as well as 41 foreign nationals who did not hold passports or any sort of identification documents were sent to the ?zmir Migration Management Directorate for deportation.

On Nov. 19, meanwhile, Turkey handed over to Greece a man suspected of seeking to...

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