Downpour, Frost And Hailstorm on St. George's Day

Downpouring, spring frost and a possibility of hail, that is the weather forecast of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH) with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences for today, quoted by Dnevnik.

For 18 regions in Bulgaria is announced a yellow code for heave rains. Only in Blagoevgrad, Smolyan, Kyrdjali, Haskovo, Burgas, Varna, Shumen, Razgrad, Silistra and Dobrich a heavy rain is not expected. Strong wind with 80 km per hour at some places. 

Maximum temperatures will be mostly between 19°C and 26°C, in Sofia - 17°C. In the next days the weather will be dynamic and followed by thunderclouds.

On Sunday, after a temporary stop of the rains, till the afternoon in most of the Bulgarian regions will be raining again. The wind in the East Bulgaria will be oriented by south, that is why the temperatures there will be a little bit higher. 

In the beginning of the following week the possibility of hailstorms remains. The daily temperatures will drop. 

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