Bulgaria Celebrates Europe Day

Today, the 9th of May, marks a significant occasion across Europe as nations come together to celebrate Europe Day. Commemorating the historic Schuman Declaration of 1950, which laid the foundation for the modern European Union, this day serves as a reminder of the continent's journey towards unity and cooperation.

Europe Day, celebrated annually on May 9th, holds profound significance as a symbol of unity and peace across the continent. Originating from the historic Schuman Declaration in 1950, Europe Day commemorates the visionary proposal by French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman to create a supranational entity, leading to the formation of the European Coal and Steel Community and laying the groundwork for the European Union. Beyond its historical roots, Europe Day serves as a reminder of the values of cooperation, solidarity, and diversity that define the European project. It is a day for reflection on the achievements of European integration, as well as a call to action for continued collaboration in addressing shared challenges and building a more prosperous and inclusive future for all citizens of Europe.

In Bulgaria, the festivities are set to unfold with solemnity and reverence. Head of State Rumen Radev, alongside Vice President Iliana Yotova, will lead the nation in honoring both Europe Day and the 79th anniversary of Victory over Nazism in the Second World War. The day begins with a poignant gesture as they lay flowers at the Monument to the Unknown Warrior, paying tribute to those who sacrificed their lives for freedom.

Following this solemn moment, attention turns to the celebration of European ideals and dialogue. A public discussion titled "European dialogue: Ideas for a better Europe" will take place at the National Student...

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