What do Hamburg and justice rally tell us?

Two topics have kept Turkey's agenda occupied for the past couple of days: The huge march for justice of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) that ended in Istanbul, and the G-20 summit held in Hamburg. 

There are always demonstrations held against G-20 summits. The city looked like a ghost town as its streets were closed down by the security forces. But the protests in Hamburg were very widespread and almost turned the city into a circle of fire, burning cars, tires, and trash cans. At times the police lost control.

But who were the protestors? 

Many of them came from the branches that surfaced with new interpretations of anarchism that became even more effective after the demise of the Soviet Union. Among the demonstrators were those with ideological roots going back to Proudhon, who said property is theft, as well as individualist anarchists whose leader is the American John Zerzan. There were also ecologists, as conceptualized by Murray Bookchin, and collective anarchists. 

There was thus a huge contradiction between the theories and what the protestors did. None of these ideologies approve war, violence and terror. They defend the right to demonstrate without resorting to violence. 

But those resorting to violence in Hamburg seem to have forgotten their ideologies. 
As expected, members of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in Germany were also among the demonstrators. The PKK thus demonstrated a double contradiction, because while it was protesting against capitalism and countries like the United States and Germany at the G-20, it seems to have forgotten that it is functioning under the wings of Germany in Europe and under the wings of the U.S. in Syria. 

Turkey's threat...

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