International Conference on the Future of Work

An international conference on "The Future of Work" will take place on 21-22 March in Sofia. It aims to encourage sharing views and knowledge on the challenges and opportunities that arise in the context of a highly digitalised and fast-paced world of work. The discussion will feature topics such as the professional skills and knowledge that are expected to be needed in the coming decades, the main challenges of an ageing workforce and the ways to promote a longer working life and an effective intergenerational transfer of skills and experience.

The conference participants will also talk about ways to improve the policies that advance education, training and retraining in a way that the newly acquired skills better match the labour market needs. The forum will deliberate on the methods of adapting social security systems to the new forms of employment.

The conference is organised by the Bulgarian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, with the support of the European Commission. About 150 representatives of international institutions, social partners, civil society organisations and politicians from the European Union, the European Economic Area and the Western Balkans are expected to participate in the event. The debates and the results of the conference will be included in the draft of the European Council conclusions.

Parts of the conference will be livestreamed here.

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