Schaeuble lauds Tsipras' statesmanship in deal with North Macedonia

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' success in unblocking relations with North Macedonia and clinching the Prespes accord showed statesmanship, the head of the German Parliament Wolfgang Schaeuble said in an article in newspaper Die Zeit, published on Wednesday.

Schaeuble, Germany's former finance minister who clashed with Tsipras' government in 2015 over Greece's bailout commitments, acknowledged that Tsipras faced considerable domestic reaction.

The comment was included in an article on the prime minister, titled "Too successful for the Greeks," in which journalist Michael Thumann argues that Tsipras led Greece out of the debt crisis, but voters have not forgiven the means he used to achieve it.
The article recounted ruling SYRIZA's tumultuous four-year term, noting that it was a disastrous mistake to appoint Yanis Varoufakis as finance minister in the first half of...

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