YouGov Survey: One Fifth of Men Have no Close Friends

One fifth of men have no close friends. This is according to a study done in the UK, BTA reported.

YouGov's survey, which included 2,149 people, also indicates that one-third of men representatives do not have a best friend.

Men are also less interested in making friends, and unlike ladies, only 44% say they feel lonely.

'Women are more likely to have wider social networks than men across their lifetime and spend more time cultivating their existing friendships and meeting more people.'  Robin Hewings, director of research at the Campaign to End Loneliness said.

Despite this, women were found more likely to tell their friends and family that they felt lonely.

Men tended not to share their feelings because of the stigma attached. 

The figures prompted charities to urge men to reach out by dedicating more time to hobbies and socialising in an attempt to stop hundreds of thousands living in isolation, Daily Mail reported.

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