Bulgaria will be among those Severely Affected by Sanctions against Russia

Sometimes all we have left is the hope of good weather. As now, when gas storage facilities in the EU are at one of their lowest levels, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung wrote recently. In countries like Austria even up to 21%. A month ago, when asked how Austria will cope with the winter with such small reserves, Elena Skvortsova from the board of directors of the energy concern OMV said:

"Weather forecasts promise a mild winter, so we think these stocks will be enough."

And like all other entrepreneurs and politicians in Europe who want to do business with Russia, she repeated the mantra that despite the political crises of the last 50 years, Russia has always supplied the agreed gas.

However, Gunter Deuber, chief economist of Raiffeisenbank, which is strongly represented in Russia, is less optimistic.

"As tensions escalate, sanctions will follow, which would lead to stagflation in the European economy. In any case, economic development will be severely affected," he warned.

Politico: EU Sanctions against Russia will Take Effect Today

An analysis by the Vienna Institute for Eastern Europe (WIIW) has identified which countries will be hardest hit by strained relations with Russia. It was quoted by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. According to it, Bulgaria will be among the most severely affected by the sanctions and the deterioration of relations with Moscow. According to the analysis, there will be no large-scale military action, but there will be separate military strikes and limited regional military operations. However, the damage to the whole world will be significant.

The energy sector will suffer in the first place.

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