Seven-year later – no one is guilty and Serbian victims are not counted

None of the Serbian officials will attend this event.

Exactly seven years ago, there was a shocking attack on the then Prime Minister of Serbia, Aleksandar Vui, in Potoari near Srebrenica, where he went to pay his respects to the victims of Srebrenica.

As a reminder, the assassination was attempted at 12:50 in Potoari when an incident occurred in which the crowd broke through the protective fence and headed towards Prime Minister Aleksandar Vui and his entourage.
Stones and bottles were thrown toward the delegation from Belgrade.
Stones were thrown at the Serbian Prime Minister's motorcade, as Aleksandar Vui was leaving the Memorial Center in Potoari.
After the official part of the commemorative meeting, at the moment when representatives of the delegations were laying lilies on the memorial, Vui was attacked by the crowd throwing various objects at him.
Prime Minister's security reacted immediately, while the security officials at the gathering did not move. To this day, no one has been held accountable for this scandalous attack on a statesman of another country.
Seven years later it is still unknown who wanted to assassin the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vui in Srebrenica, which indicates the need to ask whether it was incompetence or evil intent.
Despite the surveillance cameras and the recorded incident, the attackers have not been identified to this day.
The case 'Vui/Potoari' ended up in a drawer with the investigative and judicial authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. No one was prosecuted, and none of those who were in charge of the safety of the gathering and persons were dismissed or resigned. The initiative for the dismissal of the manager of the Directorate for the Coordination of Police...

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