Petkovic: West refusing to see that its creation is a monster

BELGRADE - The head of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Friday Belgrade had always been a responsible party and that, unlike Pristina, it had always accepted invitations to talks from EU facilitators Josep Borrell and Miroslav Lajcak.

Speaking to Pink TV, Petkovic said the so-called Kosovo was a creation of the West and that the West was refusing to see that its creation was a monster making decisions that were contrary to the UN Charter and were undermining peace and stability across the Western Balkans.

"Those in the West who are strong and powerful and make many important decisions are the ones who say that Kurti is mischievous but that he is the PM in Pristina and that he has a mandate. They say that because they are letting him behave like that," Petkovic said.

Speaking about a new round of high-level dialogue,...

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