Bulgaria Reports More Migrants Returned than Accepted Since Year's Start

Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov revealed that Bulgaria has exceeded its acceptance quota under the Dublin Agreement, returning more migrants to their countries of origin than it has received since the beginning of the year. Denkov's statement, made during a Facebook Q&A session, comes in response to recent developments involving the return of refugees from Afghanistan and Syria to Bulgaria via a charter flight from Vienna.

The revelation sheds light on Bulgaria's ongoing efforts to manage migrant flows, with Denkov citing regular returns of migrants to the country. Despite fluctuations in numbers from year to year, Denkov noted that the current rate of returns aligns with previous patterns, emphasizing that Bulgaria has historically repatriated a comparable number of migrants to those it accepts.

Last year, Bulgaria witnessed the return of 113 individuals from Austria alone, indicating a consistent trend in repatriation efforts. Denkov's remarks underscore the nation's commitment to upholding migration policies while maintaining bilateral agreements with partner countries.

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