Dacic: West wants to push Pristina into international organisations

BELGRADE - Serbian First Deputy PM and FM Ivica Dacic said on Monday Serbia was under great pressure from Western countries, which he noted were trying to push the so-called Kosovo into international organisations in any possible way.

When your country is under such pressure, you are "under immediate threat and cannot find words to describe those who are conducting an anti-Serb policy other than say that they are criminals, villains and liars," Dacic said on Pink TV.

"The situation our country is in is very serious... It is about continuing a policy of pushing 'Kosovo' into international organisations so that it can use various mechanisms international organisations have, as well as to potentially file a lawsuit against us," he said.

Commenting on announcements Pristina would sue Serbia for war crimes, Dacic said Pristina's PM Albin Kurti was not competent to...

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