Petkovic: Pristina rewarded for avoiding its commitments

BELGRADE - The director of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Petar Petkovic met with ambassadors and representatives of the Quint member states and the head of the EU Delegation to Serbia on Friday to inform them in detail of Thursday's Brussels meeting of chief negotiators in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, noting that, for 11 years to the day, Pristina had been refusing to establish a Community of Serb Municipalities.

Instead of seeing the international community make Pristina meet its commitments from the dialogue, we are all witnessing a completely unjust and deviant approach where Pristina is, in fact, being rewarded for consciously avoiding its commitments and for making escalatory moves in Serb communities on a daily basis, Petkovic said.

He said expulsion of Serbs living both north and south of the Ibar River, institutional violence, a ban on...

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