Greek FM: 1000s of migrants, jihadists to flood EU if Greece collapses

Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias warned Europe that it would encounter huge migration problems and be flooded with islamic militants in Europe if Greece were to become insolvent during the EU Foreign Ministers meeting focused on the war in eastern Ukraine. On the sidelines of the meeting he issued a message to Germany on the sidelines of the meeting in Riga, Latvia.

"Germans want us to soffociate. OK? You accuse us of wasting money? But nobody can deny Greece the things it has offered Germany," he told the press warning that the "west Balkans aren't stable, and then we have Ukraine, Syria, Iraq and North Africa."

He accused some Eurozone states of exercising "cultural racism" against Greece and said that it was necessary for the future of Europe to find another form of behavior. He urged of the "geostrategically necessity" of looking to the future of Greece and Europe. He said that crushing the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) government in its early days would bring "Right-wing extremism and chaos."

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