Russia to respond to jet downing with economic retaliation on Turkey

Russian President Vladimir Putin once more lashed out at Turkish leadership after the downing of the Russian jet accusing Turkey of deliberately leading the relations of the two countries to a deadlock.

He also reiterated that Turkey has still not apologized for the downing of the Russian fighter adding that event was a stab in the back.

“It was an inexplicable and sneaky stab in the back by those we thought they were our allies and partners in the war against terrorism,” Mr. Putin.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev told Russian Government to prepare measures, including cancelling joint investment projects with Turkey in retaliation for the downing of a Russian jet from Turkey.

During a meeting with Russian ministers, Mr. Medvedev said that the measures will include restrictions on food imports from Turkey.

Earlier, though, Russia’s spokesman Dmitry  Peskov stressed that Moscow was still waiting for a rational explanation for the downing of the Russian fighter adding that the Russian government did not consider taking actions against Turkey or imposing an embargo in the food trade.

“We are still expecting a realistic explanation from the Turkish side,” Mr. Peskov told reporters.

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