Europol: More Islamist terrorist attacks in EU possible

Europol warned of the possibility of new terrorist attacks across Europe similar to the ones in Paris and Brussels. The director of the EU’s law enforcement unit, Ron Wainwright, underlined that a threat of new attacks was very serious, adding that the jihadists that carried out the attacks in Paris arrived on the continent by infiltrating the refugee flows. European security forces are particularly concerned about detecting terrorists pretending to be asylum seekers passing into Europe with fake passports. Wainwright explained that investigations to spot possible new threats were ongoing, adding, however, that there was no intelligence that Italy was a target, as the Islamic State (IS) had publicly proclaimed. The director underlined the need for European intelligence agencies to cooperate more effectively after the Paris and Brussels attacks. He said that over 40,000 people were involved in illegal human trafficking for migrants from Syria and Turkey into Europe. ‘Our priority is to find out all terrorist networks in Europe’, Wainwright said.

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