Trump claims astounding victory as America's 45th president

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Republican Donald Trump stunned the world by defeating heavily favored rival Hillary Clinton in the Nov. 9 presidential election by becoming the 45th U.S. president and ending eight years of Democratic rule and sending the country on a new, uncertain path.

His triumph over the Democrat Clinton, not declared until well after midnight, threatens to undo major achievements of U.S. President Barack Obama. Trump has pledged to act quickly to repeal Obama's landmark healthcare law, revoke America's nuclear agreement with Iran and rewrite important trade deals with other countries, particularly Mexico and Canada.

Obama, who campaigned hard against Trump, telephoned the Republican to congratulate him on his victory and invited him to the White House for a meeting on Nov. 10, the White House said in a statement. 

"Ensuring a smooth transition of power is one of the top priorities the president identified at the beginning of the year and a meeting with the president-elect is the next step," the White House said.

Trump appeared with his family before cheering supporters in a New York hotel ballroom, saying it was time to heal the divisions caused by the campaign and find common ground after a campaign that exposed deep differences among Americans.

As he claimed victory, Trump urged Americans to "come together as one united people" after a deeply divisive campaign. "I will be president for all Americans."

Clinton called her Republican rival to concede but did not immediately speak publicly about the stunning results. Trump, who spent much of the campaign urging his supporters on as they chanted "lock her up," said the nation owed Clinton "a major debt of gratitude" for her years of public service.

His comments were...

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