Demographic Catastrophe for Bulgaria in 2017 - Only 57 175 Babies

Only 57 175 babies were born in 2017 in Bulgaria. That is why the country has experienced a terrible antirecord for the period after 1945. This is the data from the Birth Information System of the Ministry of Health, cited by

From 1 January 2017 to 1 January 2018, newborns in the country are 7809 less than in 2016 when they were a total of 64,894 babies in Bulgaria.

In 2015, newborns were 65,950, in 2014 - 67,585. Only four years earlier, babies were 75,513, in 2009 - 80,956, and even the worst 1997 - 64 125 babies have been born. According to statistics, most children were born in 1950 - 182,571.

Most babies born in 2017 were born in Sofia city - 15,262, and the least in the districts of Vidin and Yambol - 369 and 377 respectively. The second birth place is Plovdiv where 6511 babies have sang in the past year .

Experts say the problems have been clear for years - the population is aging and women in reproductive age are declining due to economic emigration or worsening of their health status. Besides, a major factor is the older age at which Bulgarians decide to become mothers. It has been over 30 years old. Only 27 000 Bulgarian families have 3 children.

According to data from the National Statistics Institute in 2001, the number of women in Bulgaria was slightly over 4 million, and in 2015 their number has dropped to 3.6 million - or they are nearly 400 thousand less. Statistics expect the number of women in Bulgaria to decrease by about 100,000 to 3.5 million in 2020. In the longer term, in 2070 the number of women in Bulgaria is expected to reach 2.5 million, that is to say, nearly 1.1 million less than now.

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