Turkish commentary questions whether Ankara is relying too much on Trump

Amid an increasing deterioration of US-Turkey relations, a commentary published in Turkey's  Hurriyet has raised the question whether Ankara is relying too much on American President Donald Trump to save ties.
Referring to the current tension between the two NATO allies that traditionally enjoyed close ties, the commentary said that few in Washington circles share optimism about the prospect of a solution to the thorny issue of Turkey's decision to purchase S-400s, which led to US threats to suspend the delivery of F-35 fighter jets.
"That raises the question of whether too much confidence is placed on the good chemistry between Trump and (Turkish President) Erdogan to resolve the S-400 disagreement," the commentary said.
"While good relations between the two presidents is an asset, it can also be a liability in view of the Congress's negative outlook towards Trump,"...

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