"Serbian state's strength rests on its army's power"

Selakovic in this way took part in a ceremony marking April 23, Serbian Army Day.

Selakovic was accompanied by Deputy Chief of the General Staff General-Major Petar Cvetkovic and Chief of the Operations Directorate of the General Staff General-Major Zelimir Glisovic.
The presidential envoy wrote the following in the memorial book:
"Filled with pride and respect today we remember the heroism of the (Second Serbian Uprising) rebels, the wisdom and courage of Prince Milos the Great and his commanders. In that we find inspiration to face all future challenges. Today, we celebrate the Serbian Army, on whose power and strength rests the strength of Serbia, peace and stability of the Balkans, and a secure future of our people."
"As strong as our Army, as a nation and a state we are as certain that a better future is ahead of us, a stronger economy and a peaceful environment for all of our children," Selakovic wrote.
The Ministry of Defense and the Serbian army mark this day in memory of the start of the Second Serbian Uprising in Takovo in 1815.

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