Northern Macedonia is Expected to Receive the Green Light to Begin EU Accession Talks

Next week, Northern Macedonia is expected to receive the green light to begin EU accession talks. This can only be done if all Member States agree. The government is about to discuss the Enlargement Package, which covers all of our country's conditions for northern Macedonia.

Assoc. Prof. Alexander Grebenarov, President of the Macedonian Science Institute: We declared our conditions in a special statement, which we published and announced in a special press conference at BTA. They are no longer a secret to most fans and people who want to actually learn what needs to be done to say Bulgaria "yes" in a week.
According to him, conditions over northern Macedonia should have been set over the years. The conditions now being imposed are not a fad, said Assoc. Prof. Grebenarov.

Kosta Filipov, journalist: In these eight conditions, which we propose to the Bulgarian government when drafting the common state position on whether or not to give Macedonia a concrete date, we take these few considerations into account.
Among the conditions are the recognition of the Bulgarian character of the Slavic population in Northern Macedonia, to condemn severely the repressions against the Bulgarians after the 44th year, to end the language of hatred in the media, to give rights to the people who feel Bulgarians in Northern Macedonia.

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