For 45% of Serbs, the EU's Мost Аcceptable Foreign Policy Priority

According to a study by Belgrade's Bureau of Social Research (BIRODI), 45.5 percent of Serbian citizens consider Serbia's EU membership the most acceptable foreign policy priority, while 17.6 percent believe Serbia should be a member of The Eurasian Union. Just over one-third of those surveyed said Serbia should not be a member of either the EU, NATO, or the Eurasian Union.

According to a BIRODI poll report, only two percent of those surveyed said Serbia should be a member of both the EU and NATO, with EU membership being the highest foreign policy priority among respondents with primary and lower education . But they also provide statistically significant support for Serbia's membership of the Eurasian Union (23.5%).

Seven out of ten respondents who did not make their choice in May 2019 are now in favor of Serbia's EU membership. Among the voters of the Serbian Progressive Party (SPP), this percentage is 45.1%, compared to 29% for neutrality and one quarter for the Eurasian community, the statement said.

Members of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) have a similar view.

Voters of the opposition Alliance of Serbia (ANC) are divided into those who support EU membership, 53.5 percent and those who are neutral, 38.6 percent.

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