The worst is yet to come

US President Donald Trump has been in office for three years. In that time, he has upended political norms both at home and abroad, realigned US political divisions from "left vs right" into "us vs them," and rewritten the rules about presidential communication, one tweet at a time. Yet the republic still stands, a testament to the resiliency of US democracy and the institutions that support it. But there is worse yet to come.

There are a few things we can say with certainty about the next 12 months of US politics: that the Senate will take up an impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, and that Trump will be acquitted by the Republican-controlled chamber. The real question is what happens next… and virtually all roads lead to a close 2020 presidential election which nearly half the US population will consider illegitimate, irrespective of who wins. That's why Eurasia...

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