Latest News from Greece

Piraeus 'in Talks' with NBG Group to Merge into Bulgaria's UBB

Greece-based Piraeus Bank is negotiating with the National Bank of Greece (NBG) group over a potential merger into United Bulgarian Bank, owned by NBG, media reports suggest.

None of the two Greek lenders has yet commented on the reports of the Greek-language news website Euro2Day, which is quoted by the Bulgarian mass circulation daily 24 Chasa ("24 Hours").

Migrants 'attacked' at sea between Greece and Turkey

Migrants trying to sail from Turkey to Greece are increasingly reporting being attacked by gunmen trying to prevent them from reaching Europe, according to multiple sources.

Migrants being attacked between Greece and Turkey

The UN Refugee agency on Friday refered to increasing attacks of migrants trying to sail from Turkey to Greece by people trying to prevent them from reaching Europe. An international NGO that did not wish to be named has launched an investigation into the shooting claims after several witnesses reported such attacks.

Varoufakis: 'Eurogroup the tombstone of Europe'

In its August edition, French magazine ‘Monde Diplomatique’ publishes a feature article signed by former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, who is currently facing a barrage of accusations by his political opponents in Greece over his infamous tax-code-hacking ‘Plan B’, the worst being that of treason and secretly orchestrating Greece’s exit from the Eurozone.

Recapitalization of Banks top priority to avoid ‘bail-ins’

Greek Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos met with Bank of Greece (BoG) Governor Yannis Stournaras at the Finance Ministry Friday. The two men discussed the pressing issue of the timetable for the recapitalization of Greek banks, a matter which is at the heart of negotiations with the institutions currently in Athens.

What types of women don’t marry

Answering to a curious Athenian about the question of marriage, Greek philosopher Socrates supposedly replied that: “Whether a man marries or remains single he will regret it”. Ancient Greece being largely a male-dominated society, Socrates’ purported piece of wisdom referred to men. But what about women? What makes them stay single or decide to get married?

Greek FinMin on meeting with Quartet

Following a 6 hour meeting with  the representatives of the Quartet institutions, Greek Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos told the media about some of the issues covered.  The Greek Finance Minister said they talked about organizational matters, as well as how they intended to resolve any issue of misunderstanings or differences of opinion that might arise in a timely manner.

Cyprus business leaders come together for first time to create forum

The business communities of the two sides of Cyprus have for the first time agreed to make their cooperation official by setting up the "Cyprus Business Forum," in a sign displaying optimism for a solution which will reunite the divided island in the near future.

‘Quartet’ reps meet with BoG Governor Stournaras

The ‘Troika’ turned ‘Quartet’ representatives met with the governor of the Bank of Greece Yannis Stournaras Friday, after a 6-hour long talk with Greek Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos and his colleague Minister of Finance Giorgos Stathakis.

EU Extends EUR 91,000 to Help Macedonia Cope with Migrant Tide  

The European Commission said on Friday it is extending close to EUR 91,000 in humanitarian funding to Macedonia to help tackle a migrant influx.

The funding that will cover basic needs such as food, water, hygiene kits and primary health care services will be provided to Macedonia's Red Cross Society to help the organization assist some 4,600 people over the next three months.

20% of first-class travelers head to Greece

Switchfly, a global technology company that powers travel commerce, noted that 20% of the top 15 vacation spots for wealthy visitors were in Greece. The top destinations were ranked by Switchfly according to the length of luxury tourists’ stay. Athens was placed 4th after Seoul, Dubai and Milan.

Spring 2015 Eurobarometer: Immigration is a key issue in the EU

More Europeans say they have a positive image of the European Union and trust in the EU has gone up since last November. In addition, citizens see immigration as the major challenge facing the EU currently. These are some of the results of the latest Standard Eurobarometer survey published on Friday. The survey was carried out between 16 and 27 May 2015 in 34 countries or territories.

Greek ministers share a “bitter coffee” with creditors (pics + vids)

Representatives of Greece’s creditors are meeting with Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos and Economy Minister George Stathakis as part of continued negotiations on  the country’s third bailout program. IMF Representative Delia Velculescu was the first to arrive for breakfast at the Athens Hilton at around 8 a.m.
