Progressive Club:Croatia abuses EU membership against Serbia

BELGRADE - NGO Progressive Club calls on the Serbian government to condemn in the harshest terms and respond to the extremist messages which have arrived from the Croatian top officials over the last few days more often than before.

"The Croatian authorities are abusing their EU membership to continue the campaign against Serbia. This a radical, chauvinistic campaign of hatred against Serbs which has, unfortunately, settled as a model of survival and a means to win support of the Croatian public," reads the statement of the club, which is founded and chaired by Cedomir Antic.

Croatia's behavior opposes the European and civilized values advocated by the EU and Serbia, and it is a product of years of policy that has established its national unity and identity solely on hatred towards a neighboring country and people, repudiating all universal rights and principles, reads the statement.

"Such moves are antidemocratic, anti-European and non-civilized, and therefore the Serbian authorities are expected to respond decisively both to recent political provocations and campaign that has been waged against Serbia and Serbs," the statement reads.

The Progressive Club pointed out that Croatia should stick to the binding provisions the Erdut Agreement - payment of pensions for expelled Serbs, expropriation of property to expelled Serbs, proving guilt and punishing perpetrators of crimes against Serbs, and respect for the right of Serb minority to its language and letter, reads the Club's statement.

"Such a country, which relies on pro-Ustasa members of the national and the European parliament, has encouraged the adoption of a resolution which calls on Serbia to distance itself from a Serbian citizen who has been granted a...

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