Greek Fin Minister Varoufakis Criticizes EU Asuterity Policies in Charlie Hebdo Interview


Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis stated in an interview for the French magazine Charlie Hebdo that Europe can only benefit from the policies implemented by progressive governments like the one of SYRIZA.

He added that only racists and nationalists would be satisfied if the EU puts a tap on the anti-austerity measures imposed by the Greek government, elected in January, Reuters reported.

''In the Middle Ages doctors prescribed blood-letting to patients that often resulted in a worsening of their condition,'' Varoufakis stated, as quoted by BGNES information agency. ''Nonetheless, they did it again after that. This is a perfect illustration to the current attitude of the EU - the more austerity policies fail, the more they are implemented.''

He said that the guilt for the financial catastrophe in Greece does not lie only on the part of Greek taxpayers, but also on the part of the reckless lenders.

Charlie Hebdo printed its last issue in 2.5 million copies, falling short of the 7.5 million magazines released immediately after the terrorist attack on the publications' headquarters in Paris. 

The tragic events in January inspired a global talk on press freedom worldwide with the slogan Je Suis Charlie. 

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