Argentina: General Strike Looms for Macri With Economy Sputtering and Poverty Rising

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - The General Confederation of Labor of the Republic of Argentina (CGT), the largest and most historically important labor union in the country, has announced plans for a 24-hour general strike to place pressure on President Mauricio Macri as poverty levels continue to rise and the economy struggles nearly a year into his presidency.

Although the CGT has not announced a definitive date yet, several other strikes have taken place this week, including those of the unions in the education and health care sectors, in a move that some political commentators in Argentina said was intended to push the CGT to finally announce a nationwide strike.

The Union of Argentine Educators (UDA) and the Confederation of Education Workers (CTERA), two of the largest teachers' unions in the country, went on strike this week.

According to the UDA's national...

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