Migrant reception center in Sid to close

Berkasovo, 20. oktobra 2015 - Migranti sa Bliskog istoka u privremenom smestaju u blizini srpsko-hrvatske granice kod Berkasova. Na granici izmedju Srbije i Hrvatske vise stotina izbeglica sa Bliskog istoka ceka da udje u Hrvatsku, posto je prelaz Berkasovo-Bapska, kod Sida, hrvatska granicna policija zatvorila u 11 sati. FOTO TANJUG / MARKO DJOKOVIC / tj

The Municipal Security Council in the northwestern municipality of Sid, near the border with Croatia, had decided to shut down a local migrant reception center.

The facility in question is located near the Serbian town's railway station, Beta is reporting on Tuesday, citing Belgrade-based daily Blic.

"We've received support from appropriate institutions for our initiative to shut down the reception center located in the town itself. We expect a phased eviction of migrants and their families to begin this weekend,"...

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