Trade Union CITUB: Bulgaria Remains the Poorest Country in the EU

Although for the last 10 years the average wage in Bulgaria has grown by almost 90% and the minimum - by 180%, Bulgaria remains the poorest country in the European Union and the inequalities between people continue to deepen. This picture was presented by the President of CITUB Plamen Dimitrov at a conference on social rights.

He recalled the union's demands for wage growth between 12 and 15 percent over each of the next four years.
From 1 January 2020, the minimum wage should be 650 leva and introduce a starting salary for university graduates, which will be 1000 leva, insist further from CITUB.

"Even if this average salary, which we all comment here a little, is it very much who receives it, who does not receive it, 1180 in December or 1135, if we have to be exact, according to some data for 2018, on annually, 2/3 of Bulgarian workers receive less than it. And precisely these two thirds, this stratification of the minimum income earners, which are steadily around 400-500,000 people around a minimum wage, working poor, you yourself understand that they show the depth of inequality among the working Bulgarians. They are the worst in the entire European Union, "said Plamen Dimitrov.

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