Afghanistan defended from the Taliban by 58.000 "ghost soldiers"?

There was also talk about how the return of the Taliban to power will affect relations in the Middle East and whether a new wave of migrants is threatening Europe.
Asked whether the Americans deliberately left the country to the Taliban, political scientist Robert Baric from the Faculty of Political Science said that the President of the United States Joe Biden decided to withdraw from Afghanistan one way or another, because in his and the American public's perception, that war lost all meaning.
He also said that Washington was surprised by the speed of the disintegration of the Afghan government and armed forces.
"The Taliban knew that the Americans were leaving, they were working on their entire tactics and strategy for the last six to seven months to take advantage of that departure, and they did it very well, because the Afghan army was not defeated in the end, it literally fell apart", Baric said. Baric also pointed out the problem of the so-called ghost soldiers.
"According to data from 2016, two thirds of members of the Afghan army and police did not actually exist, and local politicians and corrupt commanders took advantage of that fact to get their salaries. The last check of payrolls was conducted in 2019. As for the Afghan army, it was first determined that 42.000 soldiers went missing, and then that number of "ghosts soldiers" was raised to 58.000 after the audit", Baric concluded.

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