Even five years doctors work as volunteers

Even five years doctors work as volunteers

Ten doctors at Studenica Health Center in Kraljevo have been working as volunteers longer than five years. The situation is similar in other health centers in Serbia.

These days they openly protesting against such practice and requesting that thier working experience is taken into account at competing for a job.

A working day of a doctor-volunteer is the same as a working day of an employed doctor. They are coming to work and examining patients every day. The only difference is that they do not get money for their work. They hope that the working experience they have acquired will be of use at the health center one day.

70 doctors and 150 nurses at employment office


According to the evidence of the Kraljevo Branch Office of the National Employment Service there is almost 70 unemployed doctors and 150 nurses registered. According to estimations made by the Studenica Health Center it needs about 70 nurses and 20 doctors of general practice.


With such expectations the years have been passing but also open job competitions in which some other doctors were given chance to medically treat people of Kraljevo.

- We have no guarantee that our work as volunteers shall be an advantage for us. This means we cannot start having a family or attend specialization work. The latest open job competition was two years ago and none of the volunteers was employeed. We cannot understand that the Town of Kraljevo with 100,000 people does not have a need for new doctors – Miroslav Radulovic, a doctor-volunteer says.

Doctors-volunteers are ready to work in a far away rural dispensaries, too but...

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