Donald Trump is a Muslim: New conspiracy theory! (photo)

People are simply fascinated with the wildest conspiracy theories. Eight years ago, when Barack Obama was elected President of the United States, theories of him being the anti-Christ were circulating on the internet for some time. Even Greek PM Alexis Tspiras did not escape the “professional” conspiracy theorists, as he was also perfectly fit the profile of the anti-Christ while he was in the global spotlight during the Greek economic crisis! Of course, it should come as no surprise that President-elect Donald Trump presented himself for another candidate for the internet lunatics. Yes, he also got the usual anti-Christ label by many, as he is supposedly prophesied in the in scriptures! But being the anti-Christ is simply becoming too ordinary nowadays. The new conspiracy theory that hit the blog-sphere is that Trump is a Muslim! According to the bizarre theory floating around he was born in Pakistan and raised as a Muslim. Thousands of social media users claim the US president-elect was born in lawless North Waziristan in 1946 and named Dawood Ibrahim Kham. People have even said a photo of a little blonde boy pictured in the country in the early 1950s proves the weird ideology.
Trump – ‘aka Kham’ – was apparently educated in Madrassa until a car accident killed his parents in 1954.
He was then fostered by a retiring British Indian Army captain, who took him to London, where he was adopted by the Trump family in 1955. Trump came under fire during his election campaign after repeatedly saying that President Barack Obama, 55, was not a US citizen even though he was born in Hawaii to a Kenyan dad. Who knows, maybe the next crazy theory will inform us that Hllary Clinton is Saint Kathrine reincarnated…

Photo of Dawood Ibrahim Kham-aka Donald Trump as a child 

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